You know how they say – ‘’teamwork makes the dream work’’.
And that’s about everything we all really want, despite our business background.
We want to make our dream work.
Therefore good team management comes as a dream catcher of its kind.
Having this in mind, we’ve came up with a new organizational structure in Yanado which allows you to maintain not only your projects, but all the teams regarding your companies.
From now on, you can organize your companies in specific teams (marketing, development, etc.) to which you then assign projects.
Projects are now created inside a team and can exist only if they have a team to belong to. One user can be part of multiple companies and teams.
Like in real life – only simplified and more clear. It’s Yanado, after all.
We’ve also improved privacy options considering projects. Your projects can now be private to list users or public to team.
If you choose option ‘’private to list users’’, the project will be available only to the users of your choice. While ‘’public to team’’ option makes the project visible to all team members.
Hope the improvements we’ve made come in handy to you and your business.
Just remember to make your team dream first, and then work. And make the dream work!