When we think about productivity, we don’t necessarily thinking about how to do more every day.
Doing stuff we do every day with less effort is even more rewarding.
Since Yanado works inside Gmail we will be adding many productivity-improving features related to emails.
The very first new feature is Email Templates for Gmail.
From now on, you can easily create email templates from emails you frequently send.
Whether you are replying to your customers, doing sales followups, or simply sending reports to your teammates, with email templates you’ll be able to do that with a fraction of the time you spent on it before.
Here’s what you can do with email templates for Gmail:
- Create email templates from frequently used emails and insert them into Gmail compose.
- Create folders based on the email category (Customer Support, Sales, etc.).
- Share the best performing email templates with your teammates.
- Create paragraph templates from repetitive pieces of text and insert it into Gmail compose with a keyboard shortcut.
To better understand what we are talking about, check the quick and dirty video below, demonstrating how simple it is to use Yanado email templates.
The next step for Yanado email templates is an ability to track who opened your emails and who clicked on your links.
We’ve done that too. As soon as Google Chrome publishes our new email tracking tool you will be able to use the new email tracker from Yanado.
Please try out our new email templates feature and give us honest feedback.
We can quickly iterate on it so the sooner we get your feedback the sooner we will improve it. Enjoy!